Table 2

Differences in Characteristics Between Caucasian and African-American Female Offenders

Differences across demographics
    Age in years, mean (SD)40.99 (8.75)41.74 (7.92).43.67
    Education in years, mean (SD)12.12 (2.06)10.68 (2.11)−3.14.01**
    Employed, % (n)38.7 (29)22.2 (6)1.71.19
Differences across substance abuse characteristics, % (n)
    Substance dependent77.3 (68)70.6 (24).67.71
    Primary substance of abuse
        Alcohol18.4 (16)21.2 (7)10.66.03*
        Marijuana9.2 (8)3.0 (1)
        Cocaine (crack)24.1 (21)39.4 (13)
        Heroin29.9 (26)6.1 (2)
    Diverted into substance abuse treatment63.6 (56)58.8 (20).90.64
    Level of substance abuse treatment
        Inpatient79.6 (43)73.7 (14).34.85
        Intensive outpatient11.1 (6)15.8 (3)
        Outpatient9.3 (5)10.5 (2)
Differences across legal characteristics
    Total number of arrests (lifetime), mean (SD)7.87 (12.77)9.33 (18.49).45.65
    Length of current incarceration, mean (SD)3.95 (9.97)12.52 (17.97)2.22.035*
    Severity of current legal charge, % (n)
        Misdemeanor22.0 (18)24.2 (8).00.99
        Felony78.0 (64)75.8 (25)
    Drug-related arrest, % (n)69.8 (44)30.2 (19).15.70
    Incarcerated at time of evaluation, % (n)20.5 (18)61.8 (21)19.24.00**
Differences across family history characteristics, % (n)
    Family history of violence30.7 (27)29.4 (10)1.45.49
    Family history of substance abuse59.1 (52)61.8 (21)2.85.24
    Family history of mental illness19.3 (17)8.8 (3)2.76.25
Differences across violence characteristics, % (n
    History of violence (victim and/or perpetrator)15.9 (14)32.4 (11)7.64.02*
    Victim of intimate partner violence34.1 (30)35.3 (12)2.19.34
  • * p < .05,

  • ** p ≤ .01.