Table 1

Varimax-Rotated Principal Component Analysis of the McGarry Capacities for Pro Se Competency*

Defendant CapacityLawyering Capacity
Appreciate charges.850.118
Range of penalties.816.281
Available legal defenses.280.813
Plan legal strategy.140.926
Appraise likely outcome.568.474
Role of court personnel.700.157
Understand court procedure.454.554
Testify relevantly.505.466
Question/challenge witnesses.172.843
Appropriate behavior.733.211
Self-serving motivation.689.262
Variance explained50.53%13.20%
  • n = 68. Salient loadings >.70 are in bold.

  • * All reported Components have eigenvalues >1.0.

  • Descriptive names given to component 1 and 2.