Table 1

Abbreviated BRACHA 0.9 Items and Response Options*

ItemAbbreviated BRACHA ItemsResponse Options
1Previous psychiatric hospitalization or day treatment placement□ Yes□ No
2School suspension or expulsion□ Yes□ No
3Trouble accepting adult authority at home or at school□ Little or none
□ Some□ A lot
4Frequency of physical aggression toward others (e.g., hitting, kicking punching, biting, slapping, fights at school, throwing objects at others)□ Never
□ Occasionally
□ Often
5Impulsiveness in the emergency department (e.g., often needing redirection, throwing objects, running out of the room, yelling at the interviewer, extremely talkative, etc.)□ No Incidents
□ One or more incidents
6Intrusiveness in the emergency department (e.g., invading personal space, asking personal questions, etc.)□ No incidents
□ One or more incidents
7Attempts to harm others or violent acts with intent to seriously harm others (includes all weapons use, even without injury, if used with harmful intent)□ Never
□ Once
□ More than once
8Violent ideation towards others (i.e., thoughts, wishes, or desires to harm other people)□ Never
□ Occasionally
□ Often
9Actual expressions of violent intentions or plans to hurt others (includes text messages and e-mails)□ Never
□ Occasionally
□ Often
10Acts that intentionally destroyed property (e.g., breaking objects, vandalism, fire setting, making holes in the walls; does not include accidents or throwing things)□ Never
□ Occasionally
□ Often
11Threats or physical aggression towards self or others in the past 24 hours□ Yes□ No
12Pattern of either verbal or physical aggression towards self or others□ Yes□ No
13Aggressive behavior before age 10 years (e.g. firesetting, destruction of property, stealing, trying to seriously hurt a person or animal, bullying, frequent fights; does not include lying)□ Never
□ Occasionally
□ Often
14Signs of remorse (such as responsibility, shame, and/or guilt) after violence or aggressive acts□ Not aggressive, or if aggressive, displays remorse, guilt, shame, or responsibility
□ If aggressive, displays no remorse, guilt, shame, or sense of responsibility
  • * A full version of the BRACHA 0.9 and scoring instructions may be obtained by contacting the first author.