Table 1

Intercorrelation Matrix for Hormone Levels, Hostility/Aggression, and Hypersexuality

T-testF-testFSHLHBDHIViolence of Index OffenseSexual IntrusivenessSex DriveTSO
T-test (nmol/L)0.21 (37)0.08 (607)0.25* (622)−0.01 (618)0.08 (566)0.03 (531)0.05 (616)0.04 (611)
F-test (pmol/L)−0.14 (114)−0.06 (112)0.18 (116)0.20 (104)−0.06 (109)0.24 (114)0.18 (112)
FSH (IU/L)0.66* (681)0.12 (692)0.02 (631)0.06 (604)0.03 (690)0.04 (687)
LH (IU/L)0.20* (690)0.13 (634)0.13 (599)0.02 (688)0.07 (683)
BDHI0.17 (637)0.09* (606)0.23* (726)0.19* (721)
Violence of index offense0.37 (602)0.14 (635)0.01 (633)
Sexual intrusiveness−0.01 (604)−0.08 (603)
Sex drive (DSFI)0.40* (721)
  • Sample sizes are included in parentheses and vary because of differing numbers of subjects with missing information. T-test, total testosterone; F-test, free testosterone; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; BDHI, Buss-Durkee hostility inventory; DSFI, Derogatis sexual functioning inventory; TSO, total sexual outlet.

  • * p <.001.

  • p < .05.

  • p < .01.