Table 7

Actor Responses to Online Anonymous Survey

TopicMean Rating% Responding Strongly Agree
The officers treated me with respect throughout the training3.7878
The facilitators were professional and treated all of the actors with respect3.8078
I feel that most officers regarded me and my fellow actors as a crucial part of the training3.6767
I have an overall positive outlook on police after being in contact with police for approximately 2 months3.6963
The training days were a success when looking at the overall outcome of every day in its entirety.3.5044
It was easy to give feedback to the police because I felt prepared and knowledgeable in what I was wanting to say2.8933
  • n = 9.

  • Based on Likert-type scale: 4, strongly agree; 3, somewhat agree; 2, somewhat disagree; 1, strongly disagree.