Table 1

Principal Component Analysis Factor Loadings and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Standardized Parameter Estimates of the Inpatient Satisfaction Questionnaire Items in Forensic and Civil Inpatient Samples

ISQ ItemsPrincipal Components AnalysisConfirmatory Factor Analysis
Forensic Inpatient Sample (n = 213) FactorsCivil Inpatient Sample (n = 208) FactorsForensic Inpatient Sample (n = 214) FactorsCivil Inpatient Sample (n = 208) Factors
1. The food is okay here.0.19−
2. I get enough to eat.+−0.030.820.020.41*
3. I have enough chances to exercise.
4. The public rooms (e.g., day room, dining room) and hallways are generally clean.−0.000.440.230.25+0.69*
5. My room is okay.0.220.700.080.06+0.87*
6. My bathroom is okay.0.180.850.080.01+0.73*
7. The showers are okay.0.000.760.150.09+0.49*
8. I have enough privacy when I need it.++
9. It is quiet enough on the unit.++++
10. I am comfortable here.+0.340.670.020.59*
11. The staff is working to help me.+0.360.670.020.78*
12. There is enough to do here during the day to keep me busy.+0.210.480.320.74*
13. I feel safe here.++
14. I am encouraged to talk with other patients++
15. There is enough time to spend with friends and family when they visit me.++
16. I have access to the telephone when I need it.−0.000.870.67*
17. The amount of time I can spend on the telephone is okay.−0.040.18−0.010.810.100.180.860.85*
18. When I first got here, I was seen by the medical staff in a reasonable amount of time.*
19. The staff made an effort to explain to me why I was sent here.+0.530.270.14
20. I understand (i.e., it has been explained) why I am taking medication.0.850.−0.050.83*
21. I feel that it is important for me to take medication.0.820.070.12−0.000.650.12−0.040.59*
22. I am able to get medications in a reasonable amount of time when I need them.0.74−−0.060.70*
23. The side effects of my medication were explained to me.0.730.*0.64*
24. The doctors used medication too often to help patients calm down.++
25. My treatment plan was discussed with me during my stay.0.550.170.25−0.03+++0.55*
26. There should be more opportunities for therapy on the unit.++++
27. I feel like I'm in danger here.++
28. The rules of the prison/civil unit were explained to me when I got here.*
29. My rights as a patient were explained to me when I got here.−*0.63*
30. I feel bored during the day.++
31. My medical (nonpsychiatric) needs were met during my stay on the unit.+++0.520.140.050.63*
32. There are enough opportunities for therapy on the unit.+0.500.180.130.72*
33. I received enough therapy while I was here.+0.580.170.230.61*
34. This is a good place for me to discuss my problems.+0.580.240.120.60*
35. The food is bad here.++
36. Group therapy was helpful to me.++
37. Medications were used by the doctors to help patients calm down only when it was necessary.+0.520.010.250.43*
38. I have learned new things about myself while I was here.++
39. I have emotional problems.++
40. I wanted to receive more therapy while I was here.++++
41. I am satisfied with my care here.++++
  • Bold indicates items loads on respective factor. +, item was dropped due to failing-item analysis; ++, item was dropped due to low loadings; +++, item was dropped due to double loadings.

  • * p <.01.