Appendix II

Depression Self-Management Tips

Depression happens to a lot of people behind bars. Helping you feel better is an important goal of your treatment team. YOU are part of this team, and there are plenty of things you can do between appointments to help feel better. You may not be able to do all of these things, but even doing a few of them will help. It will help to start your day by planning to do something you usually would enjoy.
Increase your physical activity
    Unless your doctor says no, try walking, jogging, or sports.
    If you already do these things, try doing them more.
Plan to do things you can enjoy
    Read a book.
    Watch a movie or a favorite television program.
    Write a letter.
    Call a friend or family.
    Plan a visit.
    Play a game.
    Write about your feelings in a private journal.
Do more to relax
    Take a shower.
    Listen to music.
    Breathe deeply.
    Go to the yard for fresh air.
Participate in your treatment plan
    Take medication as directed, if prescribed by a doctor.
    Attend all assigned individual and group therapy sessions.
Stay busy
    Staying busy is good for your self-esteem.
    If you are on a work detail, do the best job you can do.
    Keep your cell neat and clean.
    Help someone else.
Good sleep habits
    Have regular sleep and wake times; avoid napping during the day.
    Avoid caffeine and chocolate, especially after noon.
    Quit or cut back on cigarettes.
    Do not lie in bed except to sleep.
    Avoid exercising, eating, or drinking a lot of fluids just before bed.
    Avoid sleeping pills.
Eat healthy foods
    Avoid junk food.
    Eat more fruits and vegetables.
    Do not use alcohol or drugs.
    If it is your tradition, pray, read scripture, and attend religious services.
    If it is not, think about the people, ideas, and things that are important to you and give your life meaning.