Table 3

Essential Elements of the Psychedelic History Interview

Name of ElementAsk About
Psychedelic substance use patternsFirst use of psychedelic substance(s)
Different psychedelic substances used (e.g., LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, DMT, etc.)
Frequency of psychedelic use
Dose(s) of psychedelic substances used
Experiences during psychedelic intoxication
“Set” elementsIntentions or goals of psychedelic use
Meaning ascribed to psychedelic use
Relevant personality traits (e.g., openness, self-transcendence, impulsivity, irresponsibility)
Knowledge of psychedelics, including therapeutic uses
History of hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder
“Setting” elementsLocation(s) of psychedelic experiences (e.g., private versus public)
Use of perceptual cues during psychedelic experiences (e.g., music, visual imagery, tactile stimuli)
Concomitant substance use
Presence of other individuals for guidance or emotional support during psychedelic experience
History of using psychedelics in the setting of concomitant obligations
Problematic useUsing psychedelics more than intended or over a longer period than intended
Excessive time spent obtaining or using psychedelics or recovering from use
Using psychedelics despite failure to fulfill major role obligations
Using psychedelics despite persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems related to use
Giving up social, occupational, or recreational activities to use psychedelics
Recurrent psychedelic use in hazardous situations
Other elements to considerProblematic use of other substances
History of legal problems related to psychedelic use or distribution
History of antisocial or criminal behavior
  • DMT, 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide.