Article Figures & Data
Review of family history for sleep disorders A complete history of the defendant's lifetime motor behavior activity during sleep. This includes obtaining collateral information from possible witnesses such as bed partners/relatives/friends. These details should include age at onset, the usual timing of the event during the sleep, the degree of amnesia, and both the duration and frequency of the episodes Information about sleep/wake habits, prescribed and illicit drug use, herbal products, habitual caffeine and alcohol consumption should be obtained Information about circumstantial factors of both the person's life and hours prior to the incident are essential Complete physical, neurologic and psychiatric evaluations, and administration of standardized questionnaires for sleep disorders should be carried out A video-polysomnography study to identify or rule out other sleep disorders associated with abnormal motor behaviors (to include standard polysomnographic monitoring, scalp EEG, electromyographic monitoring of limbs, and time-synchronized audiovisual recording)