RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Balance and Change in Forensic Psychiatry JF Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online JO J Am Acad Psychiatry Law FD American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law SP JAAPL.230121-23 DO 10.29158/JAAPL.230121-23 A1 Knoll, James L. YR 2024 UL http://jaapl.org/content/early/2024/02/21/JAAPL.230121-23.abstract AB The practice of forensic psychiatry requires balance; the forensic psychiatrist encounters the need for balance routinely and in a variety of areas. Balance is necessary for sound judgment and objectivity when striving for excellence in the field. It is also necessary to effectively balance a career in forensic psychiatry with one’s personal life. The American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL) has stressed the virtue of balance in the preamble of its ethics guidelines, noting the importance of balancing competing obligations to the individual and society. Keeping in mind the importance of balance will assist forensic psychiatry with the many challenges of a postinternet era, such as rapidly changing technology, culture, and society. A substantial challenge for forensic psychiatry, now and in the future, involves data overflow and the so-called big data explosion. Information now flows too fast and in such vast amounts that a single individual can no longer keep pace. Balance may be pursued by adapting and leveraging certain skills to confront these challenges more effectively. The current inflection point of rapid technological, social, and cultural change, stresses the importance of balance through teamwork, technology, and prioritizing civil discourse.