PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Rahman, Tahir AU - Hartz, Sarah M. AU - Xiong, Willa AU - Meloy, J. Reid AU - Janofsky, Jeffrey AU - Harry, Bruce AU - Resnick, Phillip J. TI - Extreme Overvalued Beliefs AID - 10.29158/JAAPL.200001-20 DP - 2020 Sep 01 TA - Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online PG - 319--326 VI - 48 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Acad Psychiatry Law2020 Sep 01; 48 AB - An extreme overvalued belief is shared by others in a person's cultural, religious, or subcultural group. The belief is often relished, amplified, and defended by the possessor of the belief and should be differentiated from a delusion or obsession. Over time, the belief grows more dominant, more refined, and more resistant to challenge. The individual has an intense emotional commitment to the belief and may carry out violent behavior in its service. Study participants (n = 109 forensic psychiatrists) were asked to select among three definitions (i.e., obsession, delusion, and extreme overvalued belief) as the motive for the criminal behavior seen in 12 randomized fictional vignettes. Strong interrater agreement (kappa = 0.91 [95% CI 0.83–0.98]) was seen for vignettes representing extreme overvalued belief. Vignettes representing delusion and obsession also had strong reliability (kappa = 0.99 for delusion and 0.98 for obsession). This preliminary report suggests that forensic psychiatrists, given proper definitions, possess a substantial ability to identify delusion, obsession, and extreme overvalued belief. The rich historical foundation of extreme overvalued belief and this small survey study highlight the benefit of inclusion of “extreme overvalued belief” in future glossaries of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.