Table 3

Outcomes by Rotation Status

Outcome MeasureNumber of SubjectsRotation CompletedNo Rotationp Value
 Cumulative exposures: N (%)10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)15.61 (3.83)11.98 (4.52)<0.001
 Forensic populations: N (%)12146 (38.02)75 (61.98)
 Group-wise: M (SD)3.54 (0.69)3.13 (0.98)0.017
 Forensic settings: N (%)11945 (37.82)74 (62.18)
 Group-wise: M (SD)2.07 (1.14)1.3 (1.14)<0.001
 Court based experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)2.31 (1.49)0.89 (1.19)<0.001
 Civil experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.36 (0.48)0.17 (0.38)0.026
 General experiences: N (%)10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)7.24 (2.03)6.37 (2.5)0.084
 Cumulative comfort10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)−0.44 (0.49)−0.7 (0.56)0.01
 Forensic populations: N (%)12146 (38.02)75 (61.98)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.11 (0.66)−0.15 (0.71)0.052
 Forensic settings: N (%)11945 (37.82)74 (62.18)
 Group-wise: M (SD)−0.41 (0.62)−0.71 (0.78)0.015
 Court based experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)−0.86 (0.72)−1.34 (0.66)<0.001
 Civil experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)−1.04 (0.85)−1.31 (0.83)0.056
 General experiences: N (%)10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.02 (0.5)−0.2 (0.71)0.128
Desire to Learnb
 Cumulative interest10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.74 (0.64)1.02 (0.58)0.022
 Forensic populations: N (%)12146 (38.02)75 (61.98)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.7 (0.8)0.85 (0.78)0.378
 Forensic settings: N (%)11945 (37.82)74 (62.18)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.74 (0.76)1.01 (0.73)0.044
 Court based experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.7 (0.87)1.1 (0.7)0.01
 Civil experiences: N (%)11745 (38.46)72 (61.54)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.71 (0.89)0.9 (1)0.198
 General experiences: N (%)10141 (40.59)60 (59.41)
 Group-wise: M (SD)0.83 (0.59)1 (0.69)0.153
  • aMeasured via yes/no response to whether resident had exposure.

  • bMeasured via five-point Likert scale.