Table 5

Reasons Documented for Stopping a Hunger Strike (2015 – 2022)

DOC intervention17.9%8.1%15.0%.090
MH intervention total11.7%11.3%11.3%1
 MH intervention (medication)3.3%3.2%3.3%
 MH intervention (housing)3.3%1.6%2.9%
 MH intervention (higher LOC)2.7%3.2%2.9%
 MH intervention (education)2.0%3.2%2.4%
 MH intervention (liaison with DOC)0.7%0.0%0.5%
Gave up10.6%11.3%10.8%1
Medical intervention total7.3%3.2%6.1%.355
 Medical intervention (education)5.3%3.2%4.7%
 Medical intervention (diet)1.3%0.0%0.9%
 Medical intervention (hospitalization)0.7%0.0%0.5%
Wanted off hunger strike protocol3.3%8.1%4.7%.159
Gave up after medical illness2.7%0.0%1.9%.325
Moot (released)1.3%1.6%1.4%1
Denied hunger strike1.3%1.6%1.4%1
Legal intervention0.7%0.0%0.5%1
  • DOC = Department of Corrections; ICRA = Isolated Confinement Restriction Act; LOC = level of care; MH = mental health.