Table 4

Why Some Doctors Intentionally Avoid Getting Involved in Compensation Claims

Cases may involve additional time (depositions, paperwork, different regulations, and insurance procedures).
Uncomfortable taking letters of protection (LOPs) from attorneys.
Questions patient's desire to recover.
Likelihood that the patient will demand or require complicated medications (narcotics).
Concern that the patient may attempt to compromise physician's medical integrity.
Frustration about patient's lack of improvement.
Conscious or unconscious conflict about wanting improvement, because it could hurt compensation case for the patient.
Damage to one's ego if the patient does not improve.
Concern about loss of objectivity or reputation in the community.
Need to become an advocate and give justification for why patient's case is difficult and the patient is not improving.
Concern about being held responsible for failure of patient to receive benefits.
Concern that failure of claim will interfere with patient-physician relationship.
Concern about being seen as uncaring if notes are not strong enough to support the claim.
Concern about receiving low grades from various entities (maintenance of certifications, health maintenance organization panels, Internet evaluation websites).
Concern that the patient will start seeing the doctor more or less often because he knows the doctor's records will be used in court.