Table 5

Protection from Harm

Identified Text of InterestState Psychiatric Hospitals, Georgia (12/08/09)Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, Winslow, NJ (8/24/09)Kings County Hospital, NY (1/30/09)NW Georgia Regional Hospital-Rome (1/5/09)George Regional Hospital-Atlanta (5/30/08)
_____ should provide its patients with a safe and humane environment and protect them from harm. At a minimum, _____ should:Essentially the same I, page 37, B.n/aAs shown, page 41, A.Essentially the same II, page 53, A.Essentially the same II, page 49, A.
Ensure that seclusion and restraints are used in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Absent exigent circumstances —i.e., when a patient poses an imminent risk of injury to himself or a third-party—any device or procedure that restricts, limits or directs a person's freedom of movement (including, but not limited to, chemical restraints, mechanical restraints, physical/manual restraints, or timeout procedures) should be used only after other less restrictive alternatives have been assessed and exhausted. More particularly, _____ should:n/an/aEssentially the same I, page 50, C.2.Essentially the same II, page 60, C.n/a
Ensure that restraints:
  1. are used only when persons pose an immediate threat to themselves or others and after a hierarchy of less restrictive measures has been exhausted;

  2. are not used in the absence of, or as an alternative to, active treatment, as punishment, or for the convenience of staff;

  3. are not used as part of a behavioral intervention;

  4. are terminated as soon as the person is no longer an imminent danger to himself or others; and

  5. are used in a reliably documented manner.

Essentially the same I, page 45, D.4.Similar Concept, page 36, D.1.As shown, page 50, C.3.As shown, page 60, C.2.As shown, pages 56 & 57, C.2.
_____ should provide its patients with a safe and humane environment and protect them from harm. At a minimum, _____ should:As shown, page 34, A.As shown, page 45, A.3.As shown, page 44, A.1.Essentially the same III, page 13, IX.K.Essentially the same III, page 11, VIII.K.
Ensure that seclusion and restraints are used in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Absent exigent circumstances—i.e., when a patient poses an imminent risk of injury to himself or a third-party—any device or procedure that restricts, limits or directs a person's freedom of movement (including, but not limited to, chemical restraints, mechanical restraints, physical/manual restraints, or timeout procedures) should be used only after other less restrictive alternatives have been assessed and exhausted. More particularly, _____ should:As shown, page 42, C.As shown, page 43, A.2.As shown, page 47, B.Similar Concept I, page 12, IX.E.Similar Concept I, page 10, VIII.E.
Ensure that restraints:
  1. are used only when persons pose an immediate threat to themselves or others and after a hierarchy of less restrictive measures has been exhausted;

  2. are not used in the absence of, or as an alternative to, active treatment, as punishment, or for the convenience of staff;

  3. are not used as part of a behavioral intervention;

  4. are terminated as soon as the person is no longer an imminent danger to himself or others; and

  5. are used in a reliably documented manner.

Essentially the same I, page 42, C.4.Essentially the same II, page 44, A.2.a.Essentially the same III, page 47, B.1.n/an/a
_____ should provide its patients with a safe and humane environment and protect them from harm. At a minimum, _____ should:As shown, page 23, A.1.n/an/aAs shown, page 51, K.As shown, page 61, G.
_____ should ensure that seclusion and restraints are used in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Absent exigent circumstances— i.e., when a patient poses an imminent risk of injury to himself or a third-party—any device or procedure that restricts, limits or directs a person's freedom of movement (including, but not limited to, chemical restraints, mechanical restraints, physical/manual restraints, or timeout procedures) should be used only after other less restrictive alternatives have been assessed and exhausted. More particularly, _____ should:As shown, page 24, A.2.Similar Concept II, page 20, A.2.a.Essentially the same III, page 29, B.n/an/a
Ensure that restraints:
  1. are used only when persons pose an immediate threat to themselves or others and after a hierarchy of less restrictive measures has been exhausted;

  2. are not used in the absence of, or as an alternative to, active treatment, as punishment, or for the convenience of staff;

  3. are not used as part of a behavioral intervention;

  4. are terminated as soon as the person is no longer an imminent danger to himself or others; and

  5. are used in a reliably documented manner.

Essentially the same II, page 24, A.2.a.Similar Language I, page 20, A.2.b.Similar Concept I, page 30, B.2.Similar Concept II, page 46, C.18.Essentially the same IV, page 59, F.1.