Table 1

WRAIR “BATTLEMIND” from Combat to Community29,30

Military vs. CommunityService Member (SM) in CombatSM at Home
BBuddies (cohesion) vs. withdrawalNo one understands SM's experience except buddies who were there; life depended on trust in unit.SM may prefer to be with battle buddies rather than spouse, family, or friends; may assume that only those who were with SM in combat understand or are interested.
AAccountability vs. controlMaintaining control of weapon and gear is necessary for survival; all personal items are important to SM.SM may become angry when someone moves or messes with SM's stuff; may think that nobody except the SM cares about doing things right.
TTargeted vs. inappropriate aggressionSplit-second decisions that are lethal in highly ambiguous environments are necessary. Kill or be killed. Anger keeps SM pumped up, alert, awake, and alive.SM may have hostility toward others; may display inappropriate anger or snap at buddies or NCOs; may overreact to minor insults.
TTactical awareness vs. hypervigilanceSurvival depends on being aware of surroundings at all times and reacting immediately to sudden changes, such as sniper fire or mortar attacks.SM may feel keyed up or anxious in large groups or situations where feels confined; may feel easily startled, especially when SM hears loud noises; may have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares.
LLethally armed vs. locked and loaded at homeCarrying a weapon at all times is mandatory and a matter of life or deathSM may feel a need to have weapons, in home and car at all times, believing that SM and loved ones are not safe without them
EEmotional control vs. anger/detachmentControlling emotions during combat is critical for mission success and quickly becomes second natureFailing to display emotions around family and friends will hurt relationships; may be seen as detached and uncaring.
MMission operational security vs. secretivenessSM talks about the mission only with those who need to know; can only talk about combat experiences with unit membersMay avoid sharing any of deployment experiences with family, spouse and friends.
IIndividual responsibility vs. guiltSM's responsibility is to survive and do his best to keep buddies alive.SM may feel has failed buddies if they were killed or seriously injured; may be bothered by memories of those wounded or killed.
NNon-defensive (combat) vs. aggressive drivingDriving unpredictably, fast, using rapid direction changes and keeping other vehicles at a distance is designed to avoid IEDs and VBEDs.Aggressive driving and straddling the middle line leads to speeding tickets, accidents, and fatalities.
DDiscipline and ordering vs. conflictSurvival depends on discipline and obeying orders.Inflexible interactions (ordering and demanding behavior) with spouse, children, and friends often leads to conflict.