Table 1

Distribution of Offenses Among Matricidal, Patricidal, and Control Offenders Subject to Mental State Examination in Finland from 1973 to 2004

Type of OffenseMatricidal Offenders (n = 99)Patricidal Offenders (n = 113)Control Offenders (n = 111)
n (%)n (%)n (%)
Murder15 (15)15 (13)15 (14)
Attempted murder5 (5)7 (6)7 (6)
Voluntary manslaughter32 (32)51 (45)50 (45)
Attempted manslaughter16 (16)20 (18)20 (18)
Aggravated assault18 (18)13 (12)12 (11)
Other violent offenses*13 (13)7 (6)7 (6)
  • * Other violent offenses included assault, robbery, and illegal threatening.