Summary 10.5.3

Comprehensive Malingering Assessment

  • Review psychiatric records.

  • Review all relevant sources of collateral information.

  • Identify plausible external incentives to malinger.

  • Conduct forensic psychiatric assessment(s) (may require several sessions and/or extended length).

  • Conduct behavioral observations (especially over time and/or on inpatient unit).

  • Determine specific period for which evaluee may be attempting to malinger symptoms (e.g., currently, at time of offense, or both).

  • Carefully analyze all clinical indicators of malingering.

  • Apply model criteria for the assessment of malingering in defendants (Summary 10.6).

  • Obtain psychological testing if necessary (e.g., MMPI-2, SIRS-2, M-FAST, PAI, TOMM).

  • Support conclusion of malingering with multiple factual bases.