Table 1

Characteristics of SVPs With and Without History of Bestiality, 2003–2017

VariableSVPs with No History of BestialitySVPs with History of BestialityStatistical Analysis
GenderP = .1488a,b
    Male1210 (99.6)32 (97.0)
    Female5 (0.4)1 (3.0)
RaceX2 = 23.7362; P < .0001
    Caucasian450 (37.0)26 (78.8)
    Non-Caucasian765 (63.0)7 (21.2)
Marital statusX2 = 2.4703b
    Single, never married, or other784 (64.5)23 (69.7)
    Divorced238 (19.6)8 (24.2)
    Married/separated193 (15.9)2 (6.1)
Victim of childhood sexual abuseX2 = 8.3907; P = .0038
    Yes232 (19.1)13 (39.4)
    No983 (80.9)20 (60.6)
History of nonsexual animal abuseX2 = 23.9918; P < .0001
    Yes46 (3.8)7 (21.2)
    No1169 (92.6)26 (78.8)
Commitment offenseX2 = 3.6503b
    Rape452 (37.2)10 (30.3)
    Sexual battery399 (32.8)9 (27.3)
    Carnal knowledge123 (10.1)3 (9.1)
    Other241 (19.8)11 (33.3)
  • Data presented as n (%). SVPs with no history of bestiality: n = 1,215; SVPs with history of bestiality: n = 33.

  • a P value derived with Fisher exact test.

  • b Not significant.

  • SVP = sexually violent predator