Article Figures & Data
Telemedicine Live Interview Total GCCT score* rater 1 78 (14.67) 82 (14.31) Total GCCT score rater 2 74 (12.84) 83 (17.49) Pearson's r .93 (p < .001) .92 (p < .001) Difference score† 5.45 (4.00) 4.80 (5.43) Data are the mean (SC), except for Pearson's r.
* The maximum score on the GCCT is 100. Scores above 70 are considered passing (i.e., competent), scores from 60–70 are marginal, and scores below 60 are considered failing (i.e., incompetent).
† Difference scores were computed by calculating the difference between the GCCT rating obtained via telemedicine and the live interview.
Variable Telemedicine Live Interview n 11 10 Gender Men 6 6 Women 5 4 Mean age (y) 46 38 Ethnicity African-American 9 7 Caucasian 2 3 Schizophrenic spectrum diagnosis* 8 8 Mental retardation 4 4 * Includes DSM-IV Axis I diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizoaffective, psychotic disorder NOS, or delusional disorder.