Table of Contents
January 01, 2012; Volume 40,Issue 1
Advokat, Claire D.
- You have accessCompetency Restoration Treatment: Differences Between Defendants Declared Competent or Incompetent to Stand TrialClaire D. Advokat, Devan Guidry, Darla M. R. Burnett, Gina Manguno-Mire and John W. ThompsonJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 89-97;
Aggarwal, Neil Krishan
- You have accessAdapting the Cultural Formulation for Clinical Assessments in Forensic PsychiatryNeil Krishan AggarwalJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 113-118;
Ash, Peter
- You have accessBut He Knew It Was Wrong: Evaluating Adolescent CulpabilityPeter AshJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 21-32;
Baranoski, Madelon
- You have accessBurden of Proof in Establishing Mental Retardation in Capital CasesAlexander Westphal and Madelon BaranoskiJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 139-141;
Bartnicki, Daniel J.
- You have accessThe Parental Alienation Debate Belongs in the Courtroom, Not in DSM-5Timothy M. Houchin, John Ranseen, Phillip A. K. Hash and Daniel J. BartnickiJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 127-131;
Batista, Leonardo M.
- You have accessCommentary: Perception of Remorse by Mock Jurors in a Capital Murder TrialLeonardo M. Batista and Wade MyersJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 55-58;
Blanchard, Ray
- You have accessLettersRay BlanchardJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 157-158;
Brodsky, Stanley L.
- You have accessDefendant Remorse, Need for Affect, and Juror Sentencing DecisionsEmily P. Corwin, Robert J. Cramer, Desiree A. Griffin and Stanley L. BrodskyJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 41-49;
Brooks, Elizabeth
- You have accessPhysician Boundary Violations in a Physician's Health Program: A 19-Year ReviewElizabeth Brooks, Michael H. Gendel, Sarah R. Early, Doris C. Gundersen and Jay H. ShoreJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 59-66;
Burnett, Darla M. R.
- You have accessCompetency Restoration Treatment: Differences Between Defendants Declared Competent or Incompetent to Stand TrialClaire D. Advokat, Devan Guidry, Darla M. R. Burnett, Gina Manguno-Mire and John W. ThompsonJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online January 2012, 40 (1) 89-97;
In this issue
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online
Vol. 40, Issue 1
1 Jan 2012