Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Terms Attributed to Psychiatrists and Used by Author Ginzburg to Describe and Explain Mental Illness in Mr. Goldwater
Term Used Psychiatrists to Whom Term Attributed In Boroson Article (n)21 Times Term Used in Ginzburg Article (n)28 Mental breakdown 35 15 Stated or implied mental illness 33 2 Paranoia 27 6 Comparison to Hitler 8 2 Megalomania 8 0 Delusional 7 2 Depression 7 0 Half-Jewish (as source/explanation for psychological problems) 6 1 Manhood, manliness, virility, sexuality 6 3 Suicidal 6 0 Psychotic 5 0 Relationship with mother 5 2 Schizophrenia 3 0 Comparison to Stalin 2 0 Lunatic 2 0 Obsessive compulsive 2 0 Toilet training/bathroom habits 2 1