Article Figures & Data
Introduction Hi my name is XXX, and I will be going through this interview with you, where you will be asked for your opinion on the usefulness of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) at your work place. I want to begin by letting you know that we are really interested in making sure that the CFI can be used at your site, and we want to ensure that it is optimally useful to you. All of the information you provide us with here will help us to do that. Adoption FOR ALL TIME POINTS 1. Do you plan on using the CFI questions within your practice? If so, how? 2. What would be the barriers to using the CFI questions in your practice? 3. Do you think these barriers would change depending on how frequently you used the CFI? If so, how? 4. What would help to overcome the barriers to using the CFI questions in your practice? FOR TIME 2 ONLY (AFTER PATIENT 1) 5. After training, how did you first use the CFI with a patient? FOR TIME 3 ONLY (AFTER PATIENT 3) 6. How did you use the CFI the second time you used it with a patient? Is this different from where you started? What about the third patient? 7. With whom are you using the CFI? FOR TIME 4 ONLY (AFTER LAST PATIENT) 8. What has influenced your use of the CFI over time? 9. Did the way you work with patients change from before you had the CFI training? If so, what do you do differently now? If not, why not? Sustainability FOR ALL TIME POINTS 1. What do you feel you would need to be able to keep using the CFI? 2. What types of policies, procedures, or characteristics of your agency make it easier to use the CFI? 3. What types of policies, procedures, or characteristics of your agency make it harder to use the CFI? 4. Does management support your use of the CFI? If so, how? 5. What else could or should they do to support the use of the CFI? Age, years 46.31 (8.46) Gender Male 3 Female 10 Race/ethnicity Non-Hispanic white 12 Hispanic/Latino 1 Profession Psychologist 4 Social worker 9 Years of providing mental health care 19.5 (7.53) Primary work location Civil unit 8 Forensic unit 5 Number of hours in cross-cultural training < 10 hours 2 10–25 hours 5 26–50 hours 2 51–75 hours 1 > 75 hours 2 n = 13 respondents. Data are presented as n or mean (SD).
EBPAS Domain T0 T1 (n = 14) T2 (n = 12) T3 (n = 10) T4 (n = 13) Beta (95% CI)b P Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Requirements 2.95 1.03 2.88 1.09 2.56 .80 2.57 1.19 2.41 1.36 −.13 (−.27 to .02) .1970 Appeal 3.11 .72 3.09 .84 2.60 .63 2.80 .98 2.85 .54 −.07 (−.18 to .04) .0800 Openness 2.96 .92 2.98 .89 3.02 .67 2.55 .94 2.81 .76 −.06 (−.18 to .06) .3056 Divergence 2.95 .86 3.05 .66 2.02 .67 2.83 .88 2.73 .85 −.07 (−.16 to .02) .1122 Overall 3.00 .67 3.01 .63 2.66 .49 2.69 .75 2.72 .64 .01 (−.25 to .28) .9089 Domain Definition T1 (n = 14) T2 (n = 12) T3 (n = 10) T4 (n = 13) Bar Fac Bar Fac Bar Fac Bar Fac Systemic Environmental context Physical and structural resources of the context, its processes, and resources 6 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 Culture System culture, beliefs and behaviors in relation to change and staffing roles 1 9 0 7 0 5 0 1 Communication processes Processes of conveying information within the system, online, and in-person 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 External requirements Any external pressures or expectations that affect system deliverables 4 5 8 9 2 6 4 6 Staff Staff commitment and attitudes Micro-level beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors toward change in general and toward the intervention 5 10 2 3 2 4 4 6 Understanding, awareness Understanding of the aims and methodology of the intervention 1 6 0 4 0 5 1 9 Role identity Beliefs and attitudes towards one's work role and responsibilities 3 6 3 2 3 1 1 3 Skills, ability, confidence Staff's sense of their capacity to carry out the intervention while managing patients and the environment 12 11 11 11 10 7 13 11 Intervention Ease of integration How well the intervention “fits” with the system, resources, and needs, and its ability to adapt as needed 7 14 1 9 0 5 0 13 Face validity, evidence base Whether the intervention is grounded in evidence and how effective it looks to meet its aims 2 3 2 0 3 3 2 0 Safety, legal, and ethics concerns How well an intervention addresses important concerns of safety and legality to protect staff and patients 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Supportive components Components of the intervention that work to support and facilitate necessary changes 0 5 0 9 0 3 0 3 Barriers and facilitators were not examined at T0.
Bar, barrier; Fac, facilitator.