A systematic review of the literature on restoration of competence to stand trial identified a predominance of retrospective case studies using descriptive and correlational statistics. Guided by National Institutes of Health (NIH) quality metrics and emphasizing study design, sample size, and statistical methods, the authors categorized a large majority of studies as fair in quality, underscoring the need for controlled designs, larger representative samples, and more sophisticated statistical analyses. Implications for the state of forensic research include the need to use large databases within jurisdictions and the importance of reliable methods that can be applied across jurisdictions and aggregated for meta-analysis. More sophisticated research methods can be advanced in forensic fellowship training where coordinated projects and curricula can encourage systematic approaches to forensic research.
The conduct and quality of empirical research in forensic psychiatry is affected by specific ethics and procedural constraints. The randomized controlled trial favored by clinical medicine is unavailable for many of the interventions sought by defendants and courts, from diversion, dismissal, or probation, to incarceration, competence assessment, or restoration. Outcomes are determined by specific factfinders, and by the legal strategies chosen by defendants in specific circumstances. Even established interventions like competence restoration strategies (i.e., group or individual education, medication classes, or outpatient, inpatient, and jail-based programming) are affected by numerous factors: the requirements of a case, the rules and resources of a jurisdiction, and the assessments of individual judges, testifying experts, defendants, and their attorneys. It is a significant challenge for those in forensic mental health to identify and control target samples, interventions, and settings.
Research protections may also limit exploration of specific interventions among detained groups. The term “prisoner,” for example, as used by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and its Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) extends to persons under civil detention or awaiting trial and sentencing.1 Research may not be approved if it does not follow specific oversight requirements like the presence of a prisoner representative on the institutional review board. Research may not fall into approved categories such as improving the conditions affecting participants or studying the effects of incarceration. Use of control groups that may not benefit research participants is particularly sensitive and requires the DHHS Secretary’s explicit review.2
Forensic training itself has traditionally focused on conducting forensic evaluations, preparing narrative reports, and studying the landmark court decisions that shaped the field. Research projects during and after training consequently emphasize the clinical aspects of the specialty, leading to a predominance of case series in the literature, typically using descriptive statistics.3,4
This context has specific implications for forensic research, limiting its opportunities, depth, and reach. The quality of research accepted in court is decided by lay judges scrutinizing the contributions of individual experts, and is governed by Daubert5 and Frye6 criteria that, though legal, draw on medical expertise on the nature of peer review, hypothesis testing, and standards of examination. The corresponding array of legal cases, journals, texts, and organizational statements making up the standard of care can be a topic of inter-and intra-professional subjectivity and debate. Although standards are available for the organizational grading of clinical research (e.g., NIH, GRADE),7,8 forensic psychiatry has yet to pursue these approaches to assess the quality of its research outcomes. Consequently, the quality of forensic research in court remains deeply influenced by jurisdictional rules and culture, factfinder and adversary argumentation, and experts from diverse schools of thought. For example, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers may differ in their approaches to cases, as might psychodynamic and behaviorally oriented experts.
In 2020, the Research Committee of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law began discussions of a project that might address these limitations. Following consultation with the medical editor of the American Psychiatric Association’s clinical practice guidelines, physician and epidemiologist Laura Fochtmann, MD, MBI, the authors adopted the framework of a systematic review (i.e., a collection of empirical evidence using explicit, systematic methods) and the NIH grading criteria for a segment of forensic research that lent itself to quality assessment.
Original studies focusing on the process of adult inpatient competence restoration (i.e., restoration of competence to stand trial (RTC) or adjudicative competence) or among persons undergoing restoration were considered for the review. The topic was selected for three reasons. First, competence restoration is of ongoing relevance, as state mental health authorities and policymakers struggle with dramatically increasing referrals in recent years.9 Second, although there are many studies on RTC in the forensic literature, recent criticisms of competence restoration research have centered on the pervasiveness of descriptive research and single restoration groups rather than more rigorous comparisons of restored and unrestored persons.3,4 Third, the authors have conducted relevant empirical studies on the topic and can be considered content experts.10,–,13 By conducting this review, the authors intended to provide an overview of the current state of research on competence restoration to guide researchers, state mental health authorities, and policy makers on future examinations of the topic.
Two academic librarians qualified in systematic review conducted the initial search. Following guidance from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol,14 empirical studies published in English were identified in databases and reference lists from MEDLINE, PsycINFO, APA PsycArticles, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Search terms targeted adult inpatient competence restoration and its variations (online Appendix A). Doctoral dissertations were included, as were relevant references from primary articles identified by the search. If a dissertation was subsequently published, only the published version was selected for review.
After 244 studies were removed as duplicates, 1,187 studies from 1981 to 2022 were returned and uploaded to the Covidence platform (covidence.org/reviews), the screening and data extraction tool used by Cochrane authors.15 The titles and abstracts of all 1,187 studies were reviewed by each author in the initial round of screening, with the goal of removing publications that were clearly not related to competence restoration. Each author entered a vote on each study, as required by the Covidence platform, and conflicts were resolved by conference call. The authors then reviewed the abstracts of the remaining articles to ensure they were related to adult inpatient competence restoration, with each author again voting on each abstract and resolving difference by conference call. Many of the 1,187 articles described competence to make medical decisions and were consequently excluded, as were studies of juveniles. Such studies are identified in the PRISMA flow diagram (Fig.1) as “wrong outcome” or “wrong population.” Because the analysis centered on research articles that provided data on competence restoration, law review articles and thought and policy pieces were excluded. The full text of each remaining article was then reviewed independently by each author for relevance to adult inpatient competence restoration. There were 76 studies that met inclusion criteria (Fig.1).
PRISMA flow diagram.
Each study type was categorized based on the NIH toolkit, which has rating forms for case series (the description of a group over time without a control group or randomization), case-control studies (a retrospective comparison of a study population with a similar control population), controlled interventions (comparison of groups receiving different interventions), pre-post studies (outcome analysis before and after intervention), and meta-analysis/systematic reviews (data analysis from multiple studies on the same topic).
The NIH tools for tailored quality assessment were originally developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in 2013, focusing on the assessment of a study’s internal validity.7 Tailored to specific study designs (e.g., case series, case-control, pre and post studies, meta-analyses; see Table 2), these tools prompt reviewers to determine whether a study has elements of design, analysis, and description associated with lower risk of bias and higher likelihood of good quality. By prompting reviewers to judge the adequacy of sample descriptions and selection, sample and measure justification, and statistical adjustment of confounding variables, the tools provide a guide to discussions of the strength of a study’s methods and are a mainstream approach to assessing the quality of human subject research. The reviewers must choose from Yes, No, or Other (cannot determine, not reported, not applicable) for each element. For all but the case series form, written guidance for answering each item is appended to each form. These tools were adopted as a resource for reviewers by The Journal in 2022.
At the end of each form, reviewers provided an overall quality rating of good, fair, or poor (Please see online Appendix B for a copy of the NIH tool for Case-Control Studies). The authors established a framework for the overall quality rating before reviewing individual studies. As described in Table 1, we agreed that study design, sample size, and statistical analysis were objective elements that could affect overall quality, alongside more subjective elements like the nature of the study question and whether the analysis was cogent. A case study could be considered good quality (and several were) if the sample size (N) were large and the statistical analysis were sophisticated; a case-control study could be poor quality if the N were small and the statistical analysis were limited.
General Descriptors for the Overall Quality Rating
After the 76 studies were identified and rated, the characteristics of each study were entered into a Microsoft Excel worksheet. These included the type of study, the N, the demographics of the study population (if available), the success of competence restoration (if available), the statistical methods, whether the authors initially agreed on the overall quality rating, and the final quality rating.
Of the 76 studies qualifying for inclusion, 55 (72%) were identified as case series, with 11 (14%) as case-control (Table 2). Eight (11%) of the 76 studies were classified as good quality, 54 (71%) as fair, and 14 (18%) as poor (Tables 3 and 4). Good studies were characterized by large samples, often in the thousands, and sophisticated statistical modeling like hierarchical regression and Latent Class Analysis, usually accompanied by power or effect analyses to justify their sample sizes (Table 4). Poor studies used small samples (often less than 20), few or no statistics (often because they were describing a new approach or offering commentary) and unclear sample selection and sample size justification.
Study Categories
Examples of Quality Categorization
Summary of Studies Rated “Good”
Initial agreement between raters on the overall quality rating was 87 percent (66/76, kappa = .70). Fourteen studies (18%) used specific adjudicative competence tools: four used the Georgia Court Competency Tool (GCCT) while another four used the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA).16
Twenty-seven studies enrolled women (36%), while 35 studies enrolled majority non-White participants (46%, range 19 to 93%). Of 39 studies measuring restoration to competence, 32 (82%) reported restoration rates of over 50 percent (range 33 to 100%). A summary of study characteristics from all 76 studies can be found in online Appendix C.
Implications for Research
A systematic review of the competence restoration literature showed that while there is extensive scholarship, only a small percentage of studies may be considered of good quality. Most studies, including those published by the authors, were of fair quality, had a modest N, and were retrospective in nature. Descriptive or simple correlational statistics predominated. Our findings are consistent with the conclusions of one high-quality study, Pirelli and Zapf’s 2020 attempted meta-analysis, which they famously abandoned because of the “dismal” quality of the research.4 It should be noted that Pirelli’s inaugural meta-analysis of research in this area, which merited a good quality rating in this analysis, was based on the many fair quality studies present in the literature at that time,17 so it is clear that there is value to conducting research of fair quality if that research can contribute to subsequent, more comprehensive research. Our systematic review using PRISMA, Covidence, and APA guidance differs from Pirelli’s statistical comparison of results and methods across studies (a meta-analysis), and offers a common alternative methodology for gathering empirical research.
The predominance of case series (i.e., the description of a group over time, without a control group or randomization) speaks to the ease of convenience samples: using one’s unit, program, or hospital to generate modest-sized samples within a familiar setting. Designing controlled studies with sufficient power to allow comparisons across jurisdictions remains aspirational, except in the analysis of large databases which usually require robust statistical and comparative methods. Even case-control studies that trace data backwards from a known outcome (and are therefore retrospective), may not be sufficient to generate data that meaningfully identify the factors distinguishing restored from unrestored subjects. This point resonates with Pirelli and Zapf’s call for pre-post designs, assessing competent and incompetent groups across time as they are restored (Ref. 4, p 154). Otherwise, subjects in restoration cannot technically be compared with restored subjects until the legal system makes its ultimate judgment.
The controlled design of noteworthy studies in this review serves as an indicator for the future of research in both adjudicative competence and forensic research in general (Tables 2 and 3). Researchers who wish to conduct research that will meet external quality criteria will need to consider two broader approaches: seeking out a large database or designing a prospective study with a significant N.
The former approach will likely be limited to researchers who have access to statewide databases. These databases exist in many states but are typically underutilized by the health authorities who collect the data. Developing a working relationship with the managers of these databases can lead to larger, more sophisticated investigations for both researchers and data owners within each state. Though comparisons across states would increase the data available for review, doing so would require matching or controlling for differences in statutes and procedures. Prospective research that applies power analysis (i.e., the calculation determining whether a sample is large enough to detect an effect if it exists) would be the goal of research that addresses current weaknesses in research methods.26 Using a database or developing a controlled prospective study can overcome decades of data that have been more focused on the comparison of unrestored and competent groups rather than restored and unrestored.4
An almost universal component in the design of good studies, whether retrospective or prospective, is the contribution of expert statisticians who provide critical insight at every step of a research project, from conducting the power analysis to analyzing data with sophisticated modeling techniques. The descriptive and correlative statistics populating most adjudicative studies are insufficient for conclusions that draw on multiple variables and their interactions. This is the domain of multivariate regression employing more complex analytic methods.27 Determining which factors have an effect while controlling for others advances research inquiry beyond the lesser capacities of description and correlation. Although forensic psychiatrists typically have a limited background in statistics, those affiliated with academic departments and public sector agencies have access to professionals who work with these methods. Indeed, AAPL’s Research Committee some years ago initiated a network of researchers who could support and consult with investigators seeking to expand their resources.
The absence of specific tools across studies is a related weakness for competence research. The most common tools in this review were the GCCT and MacCAT-CA.16 As research teams compare results across regions and jurisdictions, reliance on established, reliable tools becomes necessary for generalizing data. Though the GCCT is only a screening tool, its classic illustration of the courtroom offers recognizable cues to defendants and makes it popular across jurisdictions, while the MacCAT-CA relies on a voluminous decision-making literature supporting its exploration of a defendant’s understanding, reasoning, and appreciation. Without implying a judgment on the preferability of one tool over another, the wider use of formal tools allows the comparison of methods across jurisdictions and the aggregation of data across comparable settings.
Unbalanced demographic representation is an associated finding of this study. With a minority of studies enrolling women, and the largest group of studies enrolling mostly non-White participants (46% of studies enrolled majority non-White participants), the research reflects the judicial system itself. Male-dominated samples generate results that do not necessarily generalize to women, whose diagnoses have different prevalence and symptom incidence.28,–,30 Women in forensic settings face unique challenges during pregnancy, lactation, and menopause alongside unique abusive, family, and economic influences.31,32 Research will have to generalize more broadly to achieve standards the National Institutes of Health set decades ago in its initiatives supporting women’s health.33
The predominance of non-White research samples reflects the U.S. forensic population itself, with detention rates, though decreasing, still highest among young Black and Hispanic men.34,–,37 Because study samples were generally small in this review, stratification by race and exploration of local variables were unavailable to dissect the influences of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and neighborhood that are known to distinguish groups from one another.38,–,41 Larger, representative samples can only help overcome the literature’s prevailing shortfalls of power and representation.
Implications for Training and Education
Forensic psychiatry has long focused on the process of conducting evaluations, preparing reports, and testifying in court, as these are the essence of forensic practice. All three elements revolve around the telling of stories: gathering the evaluee’s narrative during the interview and record review, placing the account in a written form that both describes the evaluee and answers the questions posed by the attorney or judge, and then defending the account in testimony. These are the skills emphasized in forensic training as fellows build their professional identity. This emphasis is reflected in the research projects undertaken by forensic trainees and psychiatrists, many of which are about interesting evaluees, essentially case studies or small case series. Annual meetings of the Academy in turn center on the cases and narratives that define the profession.
While case review remains a crucial element of the subspecialty, high quality research is equally important, for it is research that justifies how evaluations are conducted and which outcomes or interventions are recommended. The Daubert trilogy5,42,43 is a seminal part of the field, but forensic clinicians have little empirical data to offer to a Daubert challenge, even in competence restoration, which has been a focus of research for more than 50 years.
It would be salutary for training programs to focus their research efforts on robust research methods and projects, even though such projects may extend across multiple fellowship years. By doing so, a training program will advance the literature, teach cohorts of trainees, and underscore methods that can be applied broadly in future collaborations and meta-analyses. Indeed, the model of the systematic review, with which AAPL’s Research Committee is familiar, offers a template for teams willing to examine other areas of empirical research. The committee itself can offer guidance.
The paucity of good research in one corner of the forensic literature can nonetheless be seen in a positive light: there are several worthy studies that set a standard of controlled designs, power analysis, large representative samples, and robust statistical methods. These should be attainable throughout the profession either by collaboration or targeted efforts, contributing to the empirical foundations of the field and the community’s confidence in expert opinions.
We are grateful for the expert guidance of Laura J. Fochtmann, MD, MBI, and Paul Levett, the reference and instruction librarian at the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library at the George Washington University School of Medicine. We extend our thanks as well to Elaine Sullo, former reference and instruction librarian of the Himmelfarb Library, and to Toni Yancey, the health sciences librarian of Saint Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC.
APPENDIX A. Literature Search Strategy
Systematic Review of Inpatient Competence Restoration (a.k.a. Competence to Proceed, Competence Attainment, Competence to Stand Trial) – an Element of Forensic Psychiatry
Databases to search:
APA PsycArticles
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Limit to English language
No date range limit
Search Terms:
PubMed Search Strategy (Run on July 1, 2021 and Uploaded to Covidence): 985
Limited to English Language
(Inpatient*[TIAB] OR Hospital*[TIAB] OR “treatment facilit*”[TIAB] OR inpatients[Mesh] OR hospitals[Mesh]) AND (“Restoration to competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Restorable to competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Restoration of competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Restored to competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Restore competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Restorability of competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Competence to stand trial”[TIAB] OR “Competency to stand trial”[TIAB] OR “Adjudicative competenc*”[TIAB] OR “Competence restoration”[TIAB] OR “Competency restoration”[TIAB] OR “Competence attainment”[TIAB] OR “Competency attainment”[TIAB] OR “Competence to proceed”[TIAB] OR Mental competency[Mesh])
PsycINFO (Run on July 1, 2021 and Uploaded to Covidence): 204
Limited to English Language
Inpatient* OR Hospital* OR “treatment facilit*”
“Restoration to competenc*” OR “Restorable to competenc*” OR “Restoration of competenc*” OR “Restored to competenc*” OR “Restore competenc*” OR “Restorability of competenc*” OR “Competence to stand trial” OR “Competency to stand trial” OR “Adjudicative competenc*” OR “Competence restoration” OR “Competency restoration” OR “Competence attainment” OR “Competency attainment” OR “Competence to proceed”
APA PsycArticles (Run on July 1, 2021 and Uploaded to Covidence): 28
Limited to English Language
Inpatient* OR Hospital* OR “treatment facilit*”
“Restoration to competenc*” OR “Restorable to competenc*” OR “Restoration of competenc*” OR “Restored to competenc*” OR “Restore competenc*” OR “Restorability of competenc*” OR “Competence to stand trial” OR “Competency to stand trial” OR “Adjudicative competenc*” OR “Competence restoration” OR “Competency restoration” OR “Competence attainment” OR “Competency attainment” OR “Competence to proceed”
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials: (Run on July 1, 2021 and Uploaded to Covidence): 3
Inpatient* OR Hospital* OR “treatment facilit*”
“Restoration to competenc*” OR “Restorable to competenc*” OR “Restoration of competenc*” OR “Restored to competenc*” OR “Restore competenc*” OR “Restorability of competenc*” OR “Competence to stand trial” OR “Competency to stand trial” OR “Adjudicative competenc*” OR “Competence restoration” OR “Competency restoration” OR “Competence attainment” OR “Competency attainment” OR “Competence to proceed”
Scopus (Run on July 1, 2021 and Uploaded to Covidence): 141
Limited to English Language
Inpatient OR Inpatients OR Hospital OR Hospitals OR Hospitalized OR Hospitalization OR {Treatment facility} OR {Treatment facilities}
{Restoration to competence} OR {Restoration to competency} OR {Restorable to competence} OR {Restorable to competency} OR {Restoration of competence} OR {Restoration of competency} OR {Restored to competency} OR {restored to competence} OR {Restore competency} OR {Restore competence} OR {Restorability of competency} OR {Restorability of competence} OR {Competence to stand trial} OR {Competency to stand trial} OR {Adjudicative competence} OR {Adjudicative competency} OR {Competence restoration} OR {Competency restoration} OR {Competence attainment} OR {Competency attainment} OR {Competence to proceed}
Search Update
The searches were rerun on November 8, 2022, and identified 26 additional citations that were screened for inclusion. The search syntax used was as follows:
PubMed (Run on November 8, 2022 and Uploaded to Covidence): 20
(Inpatient*[TIAB] OR Hospital*[TIAB] OR treatment facilit*[TIAB] OR inpatients[Mesh] OR hospitals[Mesh]) AND (Restoration to competenc*[TIAB] OR Restorable to competenc*[TIAB] OR Restoration of competenc*[TIAB] OR Restored to competenc*[TIAB] OR Restore competenc*[TIAB] OR Restorability of competenc*[TIAB] OR “Competence to stand trial”[TIAB] OR “Competency to stand trial”[TIAB] OR Adjudicative competenc*[TIAB] OR “Competence restoration”[TIAB] OR “Competency restoration”[TIAB] OR “Competence attainment”[TIAB] OR “Competency attainment”[TIAB] OR “Competence to proceed”[TIAB] OR Mental competency[Mesh]) AND (2021/07/01:2022/11/08[pdat])
Scopus (Run on November 8, 2022 and Uploaded to Covidence): 8
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ((inpatient OR inpatients OR hospital OR hospitals OR hospitalized OR hospitalization OR {Treatment facility} OR {Treatment facilities})) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (({Restoration to competence} OR {Restoration to competency} OR {Restorable to competence} OR {Restorable to competency} OR {Restoration of competence} OR {Restoration of competency} OR {Restored to competency} OR {restored to competence} OR {Restore competency} OR {Restore competence} OR {Restorability of competency} OR {Restorability of competence} OR {Competence to stand trial} OR {Competency to stand trial} OR {Adjudicative competence} OR {Adjudicative competency} OR {Competence restoration} OR {Competency restoration} OR {Competence attainment} OR {Competency attainment} OR {Competence to proceed}))) AND (PUBDATETXT(July 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(August 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(September 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(October 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(November 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(December 2021) OR PUBDATETXT(January 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(February 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(March 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(April 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(May 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(June 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(July 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(August 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(September 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(October 2022) OR PUBDATETXT(November 2022))
PsycInfo (Run on November 8, 2022 and Uploaded to Covidence): 13
(Inpatient* OR Hospital* OR “treatment facilit*”)
(“Restoration to competenc*” OR “Restorable to competenc*” OR “Restoration of competenc*” OR “Restored to competenc*” OR “Restore competenc*” OR “Restorability of competenc*” OR “Competence to stand trial” OR “Competency to stand trial” OR “Adjudicative competenc*” OR “Competence restoration” OR “Competency restoration” OR “Competence attainment” OR “Competency attainment” OR “Competence to proceed”)
APA PsycArticles & Cochrane CENTRAL searches run on November 8, 2022 retrieved no additional citations
Appendix B
NIH Research Quality Assessment Tool for Case-Control Studiesa (Available from: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/study-quality-assessment-tools. Accessed June 2, 2023)
Appendix C
Table of Study Characteristics
Disclosures of financial or other potential conflicts of interest: None.
- © American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law