Article Figures & Data
Study Participants mTBI Criteria and/or Characteristics DTI Timing Average (Range) Brain Regions Analytic Approach 2010 Little et al.26 12 mTBI, 12 controls ACRM mTBI criteria >12 months VA thalamic nucleus ROI analysis: FA Geary et al.27 40 mTBI, 35 controls ACRM mTBI criteria 5.29 years SLF, SS, UF ROI analysis: FA Levin et al.28 32 mTBI, 15 controls (8 healthy, 7 extracranial injury) OEF/OIF veterans with blast injury, 32 mild plus 5 moderate TBIs, essentially ACRM criteria 871.5 days No group differences in FA or ADC Tractography, ROI, and voxel-based analysis: FA, ADC Mayer et al.29 22 mTBI, 21 controls ACRM mTBI criteria 12.5 days (2–20) CC, CR, UF ROI analysis: FA, AD, RD 2009 Chu et al.30 10 mTBI, 10 controls Initial GCS 15, negative CT, otherwise not reported 2.7 days (1–6) Left thalamus, scattered white matter Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: ADC,FA, AD Wu et al.31 12 mTBI, 11 controls GCS of 15 in ED and +LOC (<10 min) 2.92 days (1–6) CB ROI analysis: FA, ADC Lipton et al.4 20 mTBI, 20 controls GCS ≤ 13, LOC < 20 min, PTA < 24 hr (2–14 days) Frontal white matter (DLPFC) Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: FA, MD Kumar et al.32 26 mTBI, 33 controls GCS 13–15, all + LOC (<20 min), all + CT 8.9 days (5–14) CC ROI analysis: FA, MD, AD, RD Huang et al.33 10 mTBI, 14 controls LOC < 15 min, GCS 13–15, PTA < 24 hr, persistent PCS (1–46 months) ILF, SLF, temporal, parietal, occipital, frontal Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: FA Lo et al.34 10 mTBI, 10 controls GCS ≥ 13, persistent cognitive impairment (>2 yrs) CC, IC ROI analysis: FA, ADC 2008 Lipton et al.35 17 mTBI, 10 controls GCS ≥ 13, LOC < 20 min, PTA < 24 hr, persistent cognitive impairment (8 months to 3 years) CC, subcortical white matter, IC Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: FA, MD Niogi et al.36 43 mTBI, 23 controls GCS ≥ 13, +PTA 16.9 months (1–53 months) Corona radiata, UF ROI analysis: FA Rutgers et al.37 24 mild TBI, 10 controls GCS ≥13 2.8 months (0.4–26.2) CC ROI analysis: FA, ADC Wilde et al.38 10 mTBI, 10 controls GCS of 15 in ED and +LOC (<10 min) 2.7 days (1–6) CC Whole CC analysis: FA, ADC, RD Niogi et al.39 34 mTBI, 26 controls GCS 13–15, +LOC,+PTA, ≥1 post concussive symptom (1–65 months) Anterior corona radiate, UF, CC, ILF, CB ROI analysis: FA Miles et al.40 17 mTBI, 29 controls GCS 13–15, LOC < 20 min, PTS < 24 hr 4 days (1–10) CS, CC, posterior limb IC ROI analysis: MD, FA Rutgers et al.41 21 mTBI, 11 controls GCS ≥13 5.5 months (0.1–109.3 months) Cerebral lobar white matter, cingulum, CC Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis: FA, ADC 2007 Bazarian et al.42 6 mTBI, 6 orthopedic controls GCS 13–15, +LOC or amnesia ≤72 hours Left anterior IC, posterior CC ROI and whole-brain analysis: trace, FA Kraus7 20 mTBI, 18 controls ACRM mTBI criteria 107 months CST, SS White matter load and ROI analysis: FA, AD, RD Hashimoto et al.43 1 mTBI (case report) GCS 13 at 30 min 3 years CC, cingulate, prefrontal area MR tractography Wozniak et al.44 6 mTBI, 14 controls LOC, PTA, altered MS, recurrent emesis or persistent headache, or transient focal neurological deficits + GCS 13–15 8.2 months Supracallosal ROI analysis: FA Benson et al.45 6 mTBI, 14 controls LOC or PTA + GCS 13–15, 4/6 with +CT findings 35.3 months (3 days–15 years) Global white matter Global white matter histogram analysis: FA 2002–2005 Inglese et al.46 46 mTBI, 29 controls ACRM mTBI criteria 4.05 days for 20 subjects, 5.7 years for 26 CC, IC, CS, Whole brain histogram and ROI analysis: FA, MD Arfanakis et al.47 5 mTBI, 10 controls Amnesia, disorientation, or confusion + GCS 13–15 <24 hours CC, IC, EC ROI analysis: FA, LI -
VA, ventral anterior; CB, cingulum bundle; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; CC, corpus callosum; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; IC, internal capsule; UF, uncinate fasciculus; CS, centra semiovale; CST, corticospinal tract; SS, sagittal stratum; EC, external capsule.