Article Figures & Data
Study Year Country Specialty Level of Training N Response Rate (%) Definition of Stalking Prevalence (%) Psychological Consequences Reported Morgan and Porter18 1999 UK Psychiatry Trainee 100 85 Not given 4.7 No Kowalenko et al.19 2005 USA Emergency medicine Attending 250 70.8 Unwanted or threatening contact by the patient or someone representing the patient in a persistent manner over time. 3.5 No Gale C et al.27 2006 New Zealand General practice Attending 2308 52.2 Not given 1.9 No Hughes et al.20 2007 New Zealand Psychiatry Attending 550 26.5 Unwanted communications or repeated contacts (on more than 10 occasions) persisting for a period of more than 4 weeks and that created fear or anxiety for the clinician. 68.5 Yes McIvor et al.21 2008 UK Psychiatry Attending, trainee 324 61 Two or more episodes where a psychiatric patient initiated inappropriate contact outside the clinical setting that caused the psychiatrist concern. 20.7 Did not ask, but reported respondents' free text comments Allnut et al.22 2009 Australia, New Zealand Plastic surgery Attending 190 54.2 A constellation of behaviors which one individual inflicts on another in the form of unwanted intrusions and/or communications … on two or more occasions to the extent that they felt fearful. 4.5 Yes Gale et al.24 2009 New Zealand Psychiatry Attending 308 63.9 Not given 4.6 No Behnam et al.23 2011 USA Emergency medicine Attending, trainee N/A Not determinate Not given 1.5 No Abrams and Robinson25 2011* Canada GP, IM, surgery, Psychiatry, EM, pediatrics, anesthesiology, nuclear medicine, OB/Gyn, other Attending 3159 37.6 Willful, malicious, and repeated contacts; following; or harassing by a patient, ex-patient or patient's relative, partner, or ex-partner. 14.9 Yes31 Abrams and Robinson, Part II31 2013* Same as Abrams and Robinson25 Forrest et al.26 2011 Australia General Practice Attending 3063 26.3 Not given 3.6 No Whyte et al.28 2011* UK Psychiatry Attending, trainee 10429 25 At least 10 unwanted intrusions occurring over at least 2 weeks. 2 Yes28,29 Maclean et al.29 2013* Same as Whyte et al.28 Nwachukwu et al.30 2012 Ireland Psychiatry Attending, trainee 442 62 Repeated [unpleasantly intrusive] acts … which create apprehension. 25.1 Yes ↵* There were two parts, published in separate articles, for the Abrams25,31 and Whyte.28,29 studies.
Study National Sample Construct Validity/Defined by Piloting Experts Stalking Defined Formal Study Period Used Response Rate > 60% Score (out of 5) Kowalenko et al.19 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gale et al.24 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4 Nwachukwu et al.30 Yes Yes Yes No Yes 4 Gale et al.27 Yes Yes No Yes No 3 McIvor et al.20 No Yes Yes No Yes 3 Allnut et al.22 Yes No Yes Yes (past year) No 3 Behnam et al.23 Yes Yes No Yes Not determined 3 Whyte et al.28 Maclean et al.29 Yes No Yes Yes No 3 Hughes et al.20 Yes No Yes No No 2 Abrams and Robinson25; Part II31 No Yes Yes No No 2 Forrest et al.26 Yes No No Yes No 2 Morgan and Porter18 Yes No No No Yes 2