Index by author
December 01, 2019; Volume 47,Issue 4
Allely, Clare
- You have accessThe Need for a Structured Approach to Violence Risk Assessment in AutismAlexander Westphal and Clare AllelyJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 437-439; DOI:
Anacker, Lisa
- You have accessDetermining Liability When a Patient Develops Tardive DyskinesiaLisa Anacker, Jonathan Dunlop and Dorothy GotlibJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 517-519; DOI:
Appelbaum, Paul S.
- You have accessPassive Monitoring of Mental Health Status in the Criminal Forensic PopulationKimberly S. Resnick and Paul S. AppelbaumJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 457-466; DOI:
Audu, Alexandra
- You have accessAccess to Treatment Records in Proceedings for Evaluation and Potential Commitment of Sexually Violent PredatorsAlexandra Audu and Debra A. PinalsJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 512-515; DOI:
Barnett, Brian
- You have accessPretrial Detainee's Right to Medical CareBrian Barnett and Adrienne SaxtonJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 508-510; DOI:
Binder, Renée L.
- You have accessEffectiveness of Police Crisis Intervention Training ProgramsMichael S. Rogers, Dale E. McNiel and Renée L. BinderJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 414-421; DOI:
Bloom, Joseph D.
- You have accessLettersScott E. Kirkorsky, Wanda Shao and Joseph D. BloomJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 538; DOI:
Bundrick, Jennifer
- You have accessUse of Excessive Force and Qualified ImmunityChristopher James, Jennifer Bundrick and Richard MartinezJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 527-530; DOI:
- You have accessMoral Character Inquiry for Washington State Bar AdmissionCaitlin Vigil, Jennifer Bundrick and Richard MartinezJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 525-527; DOI:
- You have accessImpact of Diagnosis of Malingering on a Defendant's SentenceEbe Chinweze, Jennifer Bundrick and Richard MartinezJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 530-531; DOI:
Cervantes, Ana Natasha
- You have accessDoes Dementia Qualify as a Mental Disorder That Could Affect Competency to Be Executed?Rebecca H. Hicks and Ana Natasha CervantesJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 504-505; DOI:
Chinweze, Ebe
- You have accessImpact of Diagnosis of Malingering on a Defendant's SentenceEbe Chinweze, Jennifer Bundrick and Richard MartinezJournal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2019, 47 (4) 530-531; DOI:
In this issue
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online
Vol. 47, Issue 4
1 Dec 2019